Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Important News!!!!!!!

Hi guys!!

OK i have some news to share with you all!!

I had a job interview on Tuesday. Now i didn't tell anyone cos i didn't want to have to go through the "i didn't get it" speech again if it all went to hell.


I got the job!!!

It's a reception/admin position at a well known counselling organisation here, which gives me the opportunity to apply for counselling/psych jobs as they come's a great job, excellent pay (well compared to the $12,000 a year i've been on for the last 4 yrs!), fantastic shift work, straight hours from 8.30 - 5.00 Monday to Friday...bonus pay for courses and stuff i'd like to do, as well as some other perks and incentives =)

It's not my dream job, but it's a foot in the door. The boss is LOVELY and the whole place has a very friendly and family oriented feel about it (hell there are toys and a huge blackboard in the reception area which i just LOVE)...

I'm SO nervous, i havent worked in so long but this is gonna be a good year. I can feel it.

So...needless to say, my sigmaking/creative time is gonna be DRASTICALLY reduced but i'll play over the weekends and evenings when i'm feeling up to it =)

Anyhoo...thats my news!!!!

Hugs and Smooches




Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wish you all the best for this new job!

~LilSinful~ said...

Thankyou SO much, i appreciate that =)

And thanks for popping in!!